please consider a one time offering to the Lord or becoming a monthly partner

In September, 2024 we are going into Dumaguete, Phillipines as missionaries. We are asking for help to underwrite this trip on short notice! We will be sharing the gospel, praying for healing, distributing food and supplies, and scouting the area for future ministry ventures. Please consider making a one time tax deductible donation toward this ministry.

We can not reach this goal without donors that are willing to sow into this ministry on a monthly basis and/or give one-time offerings.

Those wishing to partner with Emily Rose Lewis Ministries on a monthly basis can do so by selecting the monthly option on Pay Pal. We value will send anyone that partners with a $30 or more monthly donation a welcome email with an invitation to our closed Facebook group, ‘Glory Tribe: Friends and Partners of Emily Rose Lewis Ministries.’ Our tribe regularly prays for and encourages one another in our life journey and in the development of our spiritual gifts. 

“There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.” –Proverbs 11:24-25

Partnership Testimony:

I am so honored and excited to share my testimony of how my life has changed since I partnered in with this ministry. Right about a year ago the Lord was prompting me to begin sowing into this ministry on a regular basis. I had been following at that time for about 2 years and the things that I was learning about myself, about what Jesus expects, and about the spirit realm was amazing!  And while I had served the Lord for many years before and knew giving was so important  I was  still fearful to commit financially.  I decided to take that step and began sowing a very small amount.  Fast forward to the present. I can honestly say that my life has changed drastically. While I realize that Jesus gets the glory for this and even my own dedication to follow Him  fully,  I know without any doubt that I decided to sow into good ground a year ago and not only has it helped  the ministry  to grow,  it has boomeranged back to me in every area of my life!!  We can't focus on the money. God's store houses are full and  His money will never run out and when we are using it with His Wisdom it will go so much farther than we could ever imagine and help so many more people then we could ever do on our own.  If you feel the Holy Spirit has been urging you to partner in with this ministry don't delay. You will also be added to the Glory Tribe and I will tell you right now every time I've reached out for that tribe to pray for me God intervenes and that's  just the truth!!  The prayer covering of the ministry is awesome too!  I have made connections through this ministry I would never have found otherwise. The blessings are far beyond your bank account take it from me! Obedience is so important. Much love to all my brothers and sisters and praise God for what He's doing in all of our lives. Blessings to Emily Rose and thank you for being obedient to the Call!  

Your Sister in Christ, Jamie Hauler


One-Time Offering Or Monthly Parnership

Cash App




Check or Money Order

Emily-Rose Lewis Ministries

903 Young Dairy Court

Herndon, VA 20170