Spikenard Nardo: Anointing Oil From Jerusalem

Spikenard Nardo: Anointing Oil From Jerusalem


Product Information

  • $25 (Please allow up to 2 weeks for shipping).

  • Bottle of anointing oil from Jerusalem, 0.34 ounce size

  • Spikenard Nardo: The scent of Spikenard is sometimes described as woody, spicy, and musty.

    “The ointment spikenard mentioned in the King James version (and as “nard” in other Bible translations) was derived from a plant by the same name that grew in the Himalayan mountains and so had to be shipped long distances to the Holy Land. An essential oil that was distilled out of the roots was very aromatic and had numerous uses. The Romans used it as a medicinal to make perfumes. It was used as an incense offering by the Hebrews in the Jerusalem Temple. In Old Testament times pungent perfumes and oils were used to prepare a body for burial, which was why the act of anointing Jesus’ head with spikenard prior to His crucifixion was highly symbolic. Because it was imported from distance lands and extracting the oil was complex, it was very costly. Spikenard or nard is mentioned in Mark 14:3, John 12:3, and Song of Solomon 14:13.”

    • Read more at: https://www.claiborneprogress.net/2019/08/05/spikenard-connecting-our-mountains-with-the-bible/

  • Box with artisan detailing

  • Scripture quote from James 5:14-15 written in English and in Spanish on the box

    ‘Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.’

  • Scripture quote from Exodus 30:22-25

    “Moreover the (Lord spoke to Moses saying)” Also take for yourself quality spices… And you shall make from these a holy anointing oil, an ointment compound according to the art of the perfumer” it shall be a holy anointing oil”

  • All proceeds from your purchase will go toward the discipleship ministry and outreach missions of Emily Rose Lewis Ministries and Kingdom Living Ekklesia.

  • The word “anoint” is derived from the Latin word that means “smear with oil.” This Biblical tradition is performed throughout the scriptures with various fragrant oils or incense. There are many mentions of anointing within the scriptures. To be anointed means to be consecrated to God, set apart and made holy, elevated, used for a scared purpose that God has ordained just for you. The scriptures reveal how the ceremony of anointing with oil of those chosen by the Lord for a divine purpose, mandate and grace is used to give physical substance and a tangible activation.

  • As Christians, we too can us fragrant anointing oils to reinforce our faith in prayer for healing, cleansing/clearing windows & doorways, and even smell amazing for personal wear. The oil itself does not contain spiritual power, but is instead to be used as a point of faith activation. They make an excellent gift to send from the Holy Land.

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Shipping & Handling

  • Please note that some boxes may show slight wear. These products are shipped to us from Israel and are brand new.

  • Product ships within 3-5 business day of order (We do not ship on holidays or weekends) priority mail to the 48 continental states of USA.

  • No Refunds or Returns allowed although tracking and insurance for up to $100 provided on all shipments via USPS.

  • Please contact me if there is a problem that you perceive has originated on our end at: info@emilyroselewis.org